Here to support you every step of the way

CA Case Management is an independent case management, care and expert witness company, founded in 2006 and based in East Anglia.

We specialise in offering a uniquely personal service to adults and children who have sustained complex and life-changing injuries, and their families.

What we do

Our clients have exceptional health needs, and we are experts in devising and implementing bespoke rehabilitation plans that help them achieve their goals, optimise potential, maximise independence and promote overall health and wellbeing.

Our services encompass both pre- and post-settlement support, ensuring long-term rehabilitation and care tailored to each individual’s journey. We coordinate care and therapy packages, facilitate community rehabilitation and provide ongoing support to enable clients to thrive in their own communities.

Our commitment to clients

We pride ourselves on our extensive clinical and case management experience, particularly in working with individuals who have acquired brain injuries. Our clients trust us because we are committed to making tangible, sustainable differences in their lives. Working closely with a range of healthcare professionals and other relevant authorities across multidisciplinary teams, we strive to achieve the best outcomes for our clients, who often face complex physical, cognitive and behavioural challenges. We help them reach aspirational goals and ensure they receive respect and dignity throughout their lives.

Our case managers

Our team of case managers is composed of highly skilled and experienced healthcare professionals with diverse clinical backgrounds. Each case manager holds the necessary professional memberships and registrations including HCPC, BABICM, RCOT, BAOT, RCN and NMC. Many have extensive experience in neurology, further enhancing our capability to provide expert care and support.

Clinical governance and safeguarding

We are dedicated to providing rehabilitation and care that respects and dignifies our clients. Our commitment to clinical governance and safeguarding ensures that all our services meet the highest standards.

Our services are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and conform to CQC standards, ensuring they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.

Joining HCML

In 2023, CA Case Management Ltd became part of the HCML Group. The acquisition has provided a strong foundation for our continued growth enabling us to expand our geographical coverage and enhance our network of treatment services. We are excited about the future and remain steadfast in our mission to support clients with catastrophic and life-changing injuries.

Why choose CA Case Management?

Personalised Service

Our case managers are experts in devising and implementing personalised rehabilitation plans and support long-term needs.

Extensive Experience

We have extensive clinical and case management experience in working with children and adults with brain injury.

Commitment to Making a Difference

We work closely with our clients, their families and the wider multidisciplinary team to achieve the best outcomes now, and in the future.

Exceptional Governance

We are regulated by the CQC, providing a high-quality service for all our clients, and strive for continuous improvement.